I guess any semblance of women and children first is a notion that most hockey players don't really buy into.
This week, it was revealed that the Calgary Flames hockey team got their H1N1 shots ahead of those designated priority groups by health officials. Children, health care workers, pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems all took a backseat to boys in black and red.
Some may be willing to excuse the behaviour of these primadonnas, but I for one am not. Their behaviour is shameful, and I personally couldn't give less of a shit if they were 'only following orders.' These people should know better.
Now, I'm not one to place hockey players (or any athletes or politicians for that matter) on a higher moral plane than the rest of us, but I am frankly surprised that there isn't even some sense of moral decency in the dressing rooms of the NHL.
And then - AND THEN - when crosstown rivals the Edmonton Oilers were given the opportunity to take a wack at their opponents this week, F Sam Gagner took this attitude:
"The fact that we're together so much, we're using the same water bottles, we're around each other all the time - we're a pretty big risk factor."
Other Oiler "role models" echoed the comments.
What. The. Fuck. Seriously, Sam?
You spend a lot of time travelling together? What kind of a bullshit excuse is that for your own selfishness? There are thousands upon thousands of people who play hockey, go to school together, and work together who do have the exact same thing to worry about.
Here's a thought: you could do what every minor hockey player in the Ottawa area is doing and get your own fucking water bottle. Lord knows you can afford it.
This goes to show just how fucked up these guys are in the head. They play a boy's game for a living, make millions doing it, and all of a sudden any notion of equality between them on the ice and the people in the stands who pay their salaries is thrown out the window.
Fuck you Calgary. Fuck you too Sam Gagner. You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Not only have you proved to me that you aren't worthy of being role models, you should be treated with more scorn than Dany Heatley and Mike Duffy combined.
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